Women’s Soccer has only 0.5%
of Men’s Soccer sponsorship.
So, we made a women’s soccer version
of Nike’s epic “Write The Future”
with only 0.5% of the budget.
2018 was a World-Cup year. And, in every World-Cup, epic TV spots with a millionaire production take over all screens around the planet, starring the greatest, most famous male soccer players. This year we have the Women's World Cup, but different from last year, we don't have the same hype and budget. Not even close. The campaign strategy is to expose, “raw style”, the massive gap. We had a special target in mind: brands and marketing directors. We made a parody of the famous, unforgettable “Write The Future” World Cup campaign by Nike. Instead of the millionaire production and the world’s most beloved male soccer stars, we see a ridiculously cheap, poorly made, and amateurish version starred by unknown female soccer players. The parody is an in-your-face protest about the lack of proper financial support and sponsorship to women’s soccer in Brazil.